2024年7月6日上午🍒,在澳大利亞悉尼舉辦的第15屆國際數學教育大會(ICME-15)上,理學院數學系冷崗松教授獲頒2020年度世界數學競賽聯盟(WFNMC)保羅•厄爾多斯獎(Paul Erdős Award)。頒獎儀式原定於2021年7月在華東師範大學主辦的第14屆國際數學教育大會(ICME-14)期間舉行,但因故推遲🪭,於2024年7月在悉尼召開的ICME-15期間舉行。
世界數學競賽聯盟(WFNMC)是國際數學教育委員會(ICMI)下的研究機構,成立於1984年,致力於推廣數學競賽和相關活動,以豐富學生的數學學習體驗。其頒發的保羅•厄爾多斯獎(Paul Erdős Award)以著名數學家Paul Erdős (1913-1996) 命名。
Paul Erdős曾獲數學界最高獎沃爾夫獎(Wolf Prize) (1983-1984),美國數學會的科爾數論獎(AMS Cole Prize)。數論中著名的Erdős number以Paul Erdős命名。Paul Erdős還是一位傑出的數學教育家🤸🏻♀️,他認為數學競賽對發現和培養數學人才起著重要的作用🐞,他不但是數學競賽的熱心組織者,有時甚至作為“選手”和中學生一起參加解題活動💭。
Paul Erdös獎的設立是為了表彰那些在國家或國際層面的數學挑戰發展中發揮了重要作用、以及對數學教育有極大推動的數學家。(The Paul Erdös Award is established to recognise contributions of mathematicians who have played a significant role in the development of mathematical challenges at the national or international level and which have been a stimulus for the enrichment of mathematics learning. )自1992年以來,保羅•厄爾多斯獎每兩年頒發一次,每次最多獎勵三人😩。到目前為止,中國大陸共有3人榮獲此獎。第一位是中國老一輩數學家*️⃣、奧林匹克數學競賽的泰鬥級人物、中科院數學所研究員裘宗滬先生(1994年獲獎);第二位是我國著名數學教育家👨🎨、華東師範大學熊斌教授(2018年獲獎)。
For the past 20 years, Prof. Leng has been a member of the China Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) Main Examination Committee, the coach of the China Mathematical Olympiad National Training Team, and the Director of the Western China Mathematical Olympiad (CWMO) Main Examination Committee.
In 2007, he served as the team leader of the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad National Team; in 2006 and 2009, he served as the deputy team leader of the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad National Team. During this period, Prof. Leng provided many test questions for the Chinese Mathematics Competition, won the Best Proposition Award named of "Nine-Chapters Mathematics" twice, and was one of the main coaches of the Chinese Mathematics Olympiad National Team.
He published more than 20 papers on mathematics competitions and their propositional research, and also has successively published 6 books on mathematics competitions in Tsinghua University Press, East China Normal University Press and World Scientific Publishing Company.
Together with Prof. Qiu Zonghu and Prof. Xiong Bin, Prof. Leng actively guide and train young math competition coaches in China. For ten consecutive years, he has made a conference report for the National Mathematics Competition Proposition Seminar, and served as a tutor for the senior coaches training class of the National Middle School Mathematics and Mathematics Competition for two consecutive years.
Since 2013, Prof. Leng has founded Mathematical New-Star Network (www.nsmath.cn) to advocate “research-based” learning. So far, more than 150 challenging problems and more than 300 papers have been published, including more than 100 student written papers. Most of these students are winners of domestic and foreign mathematics competitions. These articles have been organized into a series of books "The Problems and Insights in Mathematics Competition", divided into three volumes, published in East China Normal University Press.
在過去的20年間,冷崗松教授長期擔任中國數學奧林匹克(CMO)主試委員會委員,國際數學奧林匹克(IMO)中國國家集訓隊教練🤽🏽♀️,中國西部數學奧林匹克(CWMO)主試委員會主任。2007年🧏🏿♀️,任IMO中國國家隊領隊;2006年和2009年,任IMO中國國家隊副領隊。在此期間,冷崗松為中國數學競賽提供了許多試題,兩次獲得“九章數學”的最佳命題獎🏃♀️➡️,是IMO中國國家隊的主要教練之一👩🏿🔬。發表有關數學競賽及其命題研究的論文20多篇🧚♂️。先後在清華大學出版社、華東師範大學出版社和新加坡世界科技(World Scientific)出版公司出版數學競賽著作6本🤷🏽。
在科研上,冷崗松教授主要研究方向為凸幾何分析。由冷崗松教授創建的凸幾何分析團隊🧐,包括國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金獲得者席東盟教授👩🏽🦲、上海市高層次青年人才項目獲得者李晉副教授等。團隊成員的科研成果發表在國際著名數學期刊 Comm. Pure Appl. Math.、J. Differential Geom.😡、Adv. Math.🚪、Math. Ann.🏃♂️、Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.🖨、J. Funct. Anal. 等上。